BUSINESS SELF-ASSESSMENTS -- Setting the Foundation. As the first step, we ask you to complete several Business Self-Assessments. These questionnaires provide an overview of the current state of your business vs. where you want it to be, and help identify any areas of your business that need attention.
DISCOVERY INTERVIEW AND ACTION PLAN -- Strategic Action to Differentiate Your Business. We than schedule a DIG (Detailed Information Gathering) Conference with you.
This 2 - 4 hour session focuses on an in-depth analysis of your business's current situation and determining the best path to achieving your goals. The intent is to ensure that all parties are on the same page before we move forward.
The findings of our discussion help determine how to differentiate your business in your marketplace and define your niche.
The end product of the DIG Conference is an Action Plan individualized to your specific business, developed with and approved by you for implementation -- all within the context of your Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives.
If you elect to have us provide coaching services to assist you in carrying out your Action Plan, we can do so in 1 of 2 ways, described below.
As your coach, we work right alongside you to implement your Action Plan to completion. The level of our involvement is at your discretion, depending on the speed at which you want to proceed, your budget, and the degree to which you and your staff can carry out tasks.
Under this arrangement, the business owner and staff themselves perform the Action Plan tasks committed to. We advise, support, facilitate, review and comment, and hold the business owner accountable for accomplishing what they have agreed to do.
Typically and for best effect, we will meet regularly for 1 to 2 hours per week over the period of time required by the business owner to complete and implement the action tasks, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solutions implemented.
Through these meetings, supported by interim phone calls and e-mails, we help keep you focused, committed, and moving forward with enthusiasm!
For the business owner who may not have the resources, expertise or time available to complete the Action Plan tasks, One-on-One Coaching Plus provides an additional level of support. In addition to the services provided under One-on-One Coaching, we perform the work necessary to accomplish any or all of the Action Plan tasks, under a fixed fee arrangement, on behalf of the business owner.
Marketing actions are a key area that Coaching Plus can help with -- read about "My Mark/Com -- Your Personal Marketing Department."
Call us at 954.383.5602 or email us for more information
or to set up a get-acquainted meeting at your convenience.
We look forward to meeting you.